
“Karibu Kenya”

Well friends, Its been a long time coming, a long time travelling and a couple long days trying to adjust to the time zone difference…but we have made it to Kenya! A LOT has happened though in this time so I will try to keep it short!

I have completed the week of predeparture training at College of the Rockies in Beautiful British Columbia. It was an amazing week getting to know the other interns and receiving more information on our internships, the regions where we will be living and what we can expect in our respective positions. As beautiful as it was, one morning I walked outside to 12 degree weather and exclaimed “wow its chilly” and a local girl responded “what this is warm for here”…..guess I can cross Cranbrook off my list of places to live (although the mountains would ALMOST make it worth it).

We received training on various topics such as gender, sexual violence, risk management and protocols, personality testing, career and resume building, stakeholder engagement and international development, and other topics that apply to international/working abroad. Many of the other interns are coming from a tourism/International development background so I feel a bit behind in some of those areas, however, have been caught up to speed on the basics. A large part of these internships is improving international development and international relations, not only representing Canada in Kenya but also building the relationship between College of the Rockies and Dedan Kimathi where we will be working. With these relationships, more improvement and support can be a result, with both parties benefiting at times.

Despite the work-filled week and adjusting to being back in a classroom, we had a lot of fun including a barbeque dinner at the director of International Affairs from College of the Rockies’s home, having our own campfire and making smores, group dinners at Boston pizza and just hanging out in our free time. Safe to say that by the end of most days my cheeks hurt from laughing. Amidst the work and training, we took the opportunity to make some wonderful friends—so good that we have all made plans to visit each other during the 6 months abroad!

Saturday morning, June 9 we set out for Kenya. We had a flight from Cranbrook to Vancouver, which was delayed and landed in Vancouver as our next flight to Frankfurt was boarding. After a quick run through the airport (of course the gates were on opposite sides of the airport), we boarded and got settled for the 9 hour flight across the pond. Landing in Frankfurt, we deplaned into quite possibly the worst, most disorganized airport I have ever experienced. Upon spotting a woman that appeared to work there I asked for directions to our next gate to which she pointed at a line, while seemingly more interested in her phone than us lost travellers. Well, we stood in this line for a while and it wasn’t until we reached the immigration officer that he informed us that this was for domestic European flights only, and instead we had to further, through security and to a different line. Security was a DISASTER, with first time travellers not understanding liquid restrictions, long lines interrupted by rushed traveler, and officers feeling the need to move so slow and rip everyones bag apart, it was a good 40 minutes before we actually saw the other side.  At this point our layover was quickly dwindling, so we ran for washrooms, a bite to eat, some snacks and found our gate until boarding. At this point it had been some 17 hours since we left Cranbrook and longer since we had slept.

BONUS- this flight to Nairobi was not full, so it didn’t take me long to find a seat with more leg room, and promptly set up camp for the next 8 hours. These 8 hours flew by(literally haha) with much needed sleep, only being interrupted when meals passed, or bathroom breaks were needed.

8 hours later we landed in Nairobi Airport, deplaned onto the tarmac and walked inside. Here immigration process was smooth, and after a stressful wait for our bags, (which all arrived!!), we headed out of the airport, set up our phones with local SIM cards and found the airport shuttle. It was now 10 pm on Sunday June 10. Talk about a long trip! The first word of Swahili that we learned was Nimechoka, “I AM TIRED”, how fitting.

For our first night in Kenya, we were SPOILED with a stay at the Sheraton Nairobi Airport Hotel with individual king bed rooms, a rooftop bar and pool which we took full advantage of,  hot showers and a delicious complimentary breakfast.

I am so excited to be in Africa. It is quite the feeling embarking on this adventure and moving to Kenya for 6 months. This reality has hit with some mixed emotions, some uncertainty but lots of anticipation for where this journey will take me. I don’t know exactly where I’m going, but thats the beauty of this life.

Right now I am filled with gratitude and so much happiness, its a hard feeling to describe, that feeling that you get while travelling and even more when you live somewhere abroad. For yous that have travelled, I’m sure you understand.
I am so grateful for all the opportunities I have, the people that support me, this wonderful world that I have the privilege to explore, and the cultures that embrace me along the way.

“And now after everything I know this: There is a reason I am here and that reason is bigger than me. So I will carry on with great faith beyond what I can see, in pursuit of bold courage on the adventure of the journey”.

Stay tuned for the first week in Kenya!




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