• Travel

    I spy Dubai

    Dubai, a whole new world for the Caits. A world of beautiful extravagance, but a stark contrast to the surrounding desert. We left late on a Thursday afternoon, and headed to Dubai, arriving around 9pm. As soon as we stepped into the airport in Dubai, we were in culture shock. It was a whole new world compared to where we had been for the past 6ish months. Cookies cost 5$!!!! After we finally figured out the conversion rate, 10 minutes after buying the cookies, we couldn’t believe ourselves….5$ for each cookies, absolutely outrageous, but that was soon to be a theme of Dubai and it had been a while since…

  • Travel

    Ethiopia: Salt, Acid and Coffee

    Ethiopia was our next International travel after Rwanda. I thought Rwanda was going to be my favourite country to visit in Africa, but I was wrong. Ethiopia blew my mind, it was spectacular. All of it, the salt, the acid and the coffee. 🙂 We took an evening flight after stopping in Nairobi for our Burger King fix (yes we found Burger King, and yes we do visit every time we’re in Nairobi. Rice and beans gets old ya know.) Arriving at the airport in Addis at around 9pm we were met by some long-lost friends who are also interns in Addis and introduced to their friends, who were intent…

  • Travel

    Rwanda, Le Pays de Mille Collines.

    Le Pays de Mille Collines, The land of a Thousand Hills. And that it most definitely is, a beautiful land of a thousand hills. What do you think of when you first hear of Rwanda? Not surprisingly I might guess the popular answer includes the topic of the fairly recent genocide that occurred, leaving the world to remember Rwanda as the country where roughly a million of its citizens were killed(by their neighbours, family and loved ones) in a mere 100 days. I won’t go into a big history lesson here as I will leave that up to you all to research further if you are not aware or would…

  • Travel

    The Internship

    Well, here’s a post about my work and how its going. Really if I had to sum up work in one word, I’d have to say “DIRT”, which goes nicely with my new title of “domesticated travelling farmer”…Thanks dad. But seriously, so much dirt. I hope at this point most of you will understand, dirt but to give an update, we are still working and struggling with the greenhouse. It has been a long exhaustive process. So heres a recap of some of the highlights(or not so high moments) of the past weeks. 1st. We finally were able to empty the old soil from the greenhouse…kind of. We went away…

  • Travel

    A Vacation in Paradise

    Zanzibar, historically rich, culturally diverse, salty and beautiful; paradise defined. A few weeks ago (crazy how fast time flies), Cait B and I travelled to Zanzibar for a beach vacation. After a day spent fighting with immigrations in Kenya over our internship visa process, we boarded the plane (after helping a newlywed find his lost wedding ring in Nairobi airport. Heros? I’d say so. Good luck to that marriage 😉 ). We arrived on Zanzibar soil sooner than anticipated as our flight (ultimately destined for Dar Es Salaam) had a short layover in Zanzibar. Wait, a layover in Zanzibar, but thats where we want to end up?! So…get off in…

  • Travel

    When I’m not working…

    It has been a while….this is becoming a trend, and I apologize once again. I now know why blogging is some people full time job- its a lot of work!  But anyways, this post will be all about my various weekend activities, exploring, travelling and the safaris that I have adventured on within the last (couple??) months. How does time go so fast?! Regardless, we have been to numerous conservation parks; Lake Nakuru, Ol Pejeta, Masai Mara, travelled to Mombasa for an extended weekend, explored Nairobi, Nanyuki, and become more familiar with our home county, Nyeri. I will try to briefly cover each of these adventures (with pictures), sharing personal…

  • Travel

    My Thoughts, My Work and Kenyan Education

    Well friends, I must apologize for the lack of communication in the past month (It has been a month since my last post-how time flies!). It is a little difficult to even begin this post because so much has happened in that time…but here goes nothing. Work is going well. We are working very closely with a primary school next to DeKUT university with our focus being on nutrition, hygiene and health teaching. Currently we are working on building relationships and laying groundwork to continue this project and collaboration. We have created a survey/tool to assess the health status and practices of the children, teachers and school as a collective,…

  • Travel

    Hospitals, Safaris and Another Week

    Hospitals and then safaris…not safaris and then hospitals; just a healthy balance of work and play. 🙂 First of all, sorry for the silence. I have been SO busy adventuring, working and embracing Kenya that blogging has been low on my list! Living in the moment right?! Sometimes its important to put everything down and let the full beauty of the experience soak in. I am fairly active on social media, with nearly live updates of some of my happenings, however;  here’s a more comprehensive, written description of what I have been doing these past 10ish days! Since the last post we have had the opportunity to further our research,…

  • Travel

    Down the Red Dirt Road…Week 1 in Kenya

    Week 1 in Kenya has been a blur of emotions and experiences. Monday morning, June 11 we were picked up from our hotel at 9 am, and drove the 4 hours to Nyeri, watching the beautiful countryside pass by and witnessing the different settings that each town offered. We stopped at a roadside shop for bathrooms and to browse the handcrafted items, before arriving at our villas (yes villas) at around 1230. At our first look we could not believe that these would be our homes for the next 6 months. They are wonderful, and much more than we expected! After a whirlwind of a first day, we met the…

  • Travel

    “Karibu Kenya”

    Well friends, Its been a long time coming, a long time travelling and a couple long days trying to adjust to the time zone difference…but we have made it to Kenya! A LOT has happened though in this time so I will try to keep it short! I have completed the week of predeparture training at College of the Rockies in Beautiful British Columbia. It was an amazing week getting to know the other interns and receiving more information on our internships, the regions where we will be living and what we can expect in our respective positions. As beautiful as it was, one morning I walked outside to 12…

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